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orderbook module


Class representing an order book in a securities exchange.


Name Type Description
Bid BookSide

The buy side of the order book.

Ask BookSide

The sell side of the order book.


process_order: Processes an incoming order, matching and filling as needed.

Source code in securities_exchange/
class OrderBook:

    Class representing an order book in a securities exchange.

        Bid (BookSide): The buy side of the order book.
        Ask (BookSide): The sell side of the order book.

        process_order: Processes an incoming order, matching and filling as needed.


    def __init__(self, allow_market_queue: bool = False):
        Initialize an OrderBook instance.

            allow_market_queue (bool): Flag indicating whether market orders can be queued.
        # Create instances of BookSide for buy (Bid) and sell (Ask) sides
        self.Bid = BookSide(allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue)
        self.Ask = BookSide(side = MarketSide.SELL, allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue)

    def process_order(self, order: Order, orders: OrderedDict[str, Order]):

        Process an incoming order, matching and filling as needed.

            order (Order): The incoming order to be processed.
            orders (OrderedDict): Dictionary containing all existing orders.

        # Determine the sides for matching and adding based on the order's side
        if (order.side == MarketSide.BUY):
            side_for_match = self.Ask
            side_to_add = self.Bid
            side_for_match = self.Bid
            side_to_add = self.Ask

        if order.type == OrderType.MARKET:

            # Continue processing the order until it is fully filled or cannot be matched
            while (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED and side_for_match.liquid()):
                side_for_match.match(order, orders)


            # Continue processing the order until it is fully filled or cannot be matched
            while (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED and \
                   ((side_for_match.liquid() and side_for_match.is_be(order.price)) or (side_for_match.has_market()))):
                side_for_match.match(order, orders)

       # If the order is still not fully filled, add it to the appropriate side of the order book
        if (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED):

__init__(self, allow_market_queue=False) special

Initialize an OrderBook instance.


Name Type Description Default
allow_market_queue bool

Flag indicating whether market orders can be queued.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def __init__(self, allow_market_queue: bool = False):
    Initialize an OrderBook instance.

        allow_market_queue (bool): Flag indicating whether market orders can be queued.
    # Create instances of BookSide for buy (Bid) and sell (Ask) sides
    self.Bid = BookSide(allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue)
    self.Ask = BookSide(side = MarketSide.SELL, allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue)

process_order(self, order, orders)

Process an incoming order, matching and filling as needed.


Name Type Description Default
order Order

The incoming order to be processed.

orders OrderedDict

Dictionary containing all existing orders.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def process_order(self, order: Order, orders: OrderedDict[str, Order]):

    Process an incoming order, matching and filling as needed.

        order (Order): The incoming order to be processed.
        orders (OrderedDict): Dictionary containing all existing orders.

    # Determine the sides for matching and adding based on the order's side
    if (order.side == MarketSide.BUY):
        side_for_match = self.Ask
        side_to_add = self.Bid
        side_for_match = self.Bid
        side_to_add = self.Ask

    if order.type == OrderType.MARKET:

        # Continue processing the order until it is fully filled or cannot be matched
        while (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED and side_for_match.liquid()):
            side_for_match.match(order, orders)


        # Continue processing the order until it is fully filled or cannot be matched
        while (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED and \
               ((side_for_match.liquid() and side_for_match.is_be(order.price)) or (side_for_match.has_market()))):
            side_for_match.match(order, orders)

   # If the order is still not fully filled, add it to the appropriate side of the order book
    if (order.status != OrderStatus.FILLED):