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bookside module


Class representing a side (Buy or Sell) of the order book.


Name Type Description
side MarketSide

The side of the market (Buy or Sell).

_allow_market_queue bool

Flag indicating whether market orders are allowed to be queued.

_sign int

Sign used for heap comparisons based on market side.

market_orders deque

Queue to store market orders.

limit_orders defaultdict

Dictionary to store limit orders as dequeues.

_bestHeap list

Heap structure to efficiently find the best price.

bestP float

Best price on the order book.

bestV int

Best volume at the best price.

volumes Counter

Counter to track volumes at different prices.


fill: Match and fill two orders. match: Match and fill an order with the best available order. add: Add an order to the order book. liquid: Check if the order book is liquid. has_market: Check if there are market orders in the queue.

Source code in securities_exchange/
class BookSide:

    Class representing a side (Buy or Sell) of the order book.

        side (MarketSide): The side of the market (Buy or Sell).
        _allow_market_queue (bool): Flag indicating whether market orders are allowed to be queued.
        _sign (int): Sign used for heap comparisons based on market side.
        market_orders (deque): Queue to store market orders.
        limit_orders (defaultdict): Dictionary to store limit orders as dequeues.
        _bestHeap (list): Heap structure to efficiently find the best price.
        bestP (float): Best price on the order book.
        bestV (int): Best volume at the best price.
        volumes (Counter): Counter to track volumes at different prices.

        fill: Match and fill two orders.
        match: Match and fill an order with the best available order.
        add: Add an order to the order book.
        liquid: Check if the order book is liquid.
        has_market: Check if there are market orders in the queue.

    def __init__(self, side: MarketSide = MarketSide.BUY, allow_market_queue: bool = False):

        Initialize a BookSide instance with the given parameters.

            side (MarketSide): The side of the market (Buy or Sell).
            allow_market_queue (bool): Flag indicating whether market orders are allowed to be queued.

        self.side = side
        self._allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue
        self._sign = -1 if self.side == MarketSide.BUY else 1
        self.market_orders = deque()
        self.limit_orders = defaultdict(deque)
        self._bestHeap = []
        self.bestP = None
        self.bestV = 0  
        self.volumes = Counter()

    def fill(self, orderA: Order, orderB: Order):

        FIll two orders with each other.

            orderA (Order): First order to match.
            orderB (Order): Second order to match.

        if orderA.type == OrderType.MARKET:
            at_price = orderB.price
        elif orderB.type == OrderType.MARKET:
            at_price = orderA.price
            # Determine price based on market side and order sides
            if self.side == MarketSide.BUY:
                if orderA.side == MarketSide.BUY:
                    at_price = orderA.price
                    at_price = orderB.price
                if orderA.side == MarketSide.SELL:
                    at_price = orderA.price
                    at_price = orderB.price

        resA = orderA.residual_size
        resB = orderB.residual_size
        orderA.update(resB, at_price,
        orderB.update(resA, at_price,

    def match(self, order: Order, orders: OrderedDict[str, Order]):

        Match an order with the best available order and update book.

            order (Order): The order to match.
            orders (OrderedDict): Dictionary containing all existing orders.

        if (order.type == OrderType.LIMIT and self.has_market()) and self._allow_market_queue:

            # If order is LIMIT and there are market orders in the queue, match with the first market order in the queue
            queued_mo = orders[self.market_orders[0]]
            self.fill(order, queued_mo)
            if queued_mo.status == OrderStatus.FILLED:


            # Match with the best limit order
            queued_lo = orders[self.limit_orders[self.bestP][0]]
            self.fill(order, queued_lo)

            self.volumes[self.bestP] -= queued_lo.matches[-1][0]
            self.bestV -= queued_lo.matches[-1][0]
            if queued_lo.status == OrderStatus.FILLED:
                # If the matched limit order is fully filled remove it from the queue and update order book
                if len(self.limit_orders[self.bestP]) == 0:
                    del self.limit_orders[self.bestP]
                    del self.volumes[self.bestP]
                    if len(self._bestHeap):
                        self.bestP = self._sign * heappop(self._bestHeap)
                        self.bestV = self.volumes[self.bestP]
                        self.bestP = None
                        self.bestV = 0                

    def add(self, order: Order):

        Add an order to the side of the order book.

            order (Order): The order to be added.

        if (order.type == OrderType.MARKET) and self._allow_market_queue:
            # If the order is MARKET and market queue is allowed, add to market queue

        elif order.type == OrderType.LIMIT:
            # If the order is LIMIT, add to limit orders and update order book
            if self.bestP is None:
                self.bestP = order.price
                self.bestV = order.residual_size                
            elif (self.bestP < order.price and self.side == MarketSide.BUY) or \
                 (self.bestP > order.price and self.side == MarketSide.SELL):
                heappush(self._bestHeap, self._sign * self.bestP)
                self.bestP = order.price
                self.bestV = order.residual_size
            elif self.bestP == order.price:
                self.bestV += order.residual_size
            elif order.price not in self.limit_orders:
                heappush(self._bestHeap, self._sign * order.price)

            self.volumes[order.price] += order.residual_size

    def liquid(self) -> bool:
        Check if the side of the order book has liquidity.

            bool: True if the side of the order book has liquidity, False otherwise.
        return self.bestV > 0

    def is_be(self, price) -> bool:
        Compare price with the current bestP, Better or Equal.

            price (float): price to compare to bestP

            bool: True if the price is better or equal to bestP, False otherwise.
        if self.side == MarketSide.BUY:
            return self.bestP >= price 
            return self.bestP <= price 

    def has_market(self) -> bool:
        Check if there are market orders in the queue.

            bool: True if there are market orders, False otherwise.
        return len(self.market_orders) and self._allow_market_queue

__init__(self, side=<MarketSide.BUY: 1>, allow_market_queue=False) special

Initialize a BookSide instance with the given parameters.


Name Type Description Default
side MarketSide

The side of the market (Buy or Sell).

<MarketSide.BUY: 1>
allow_market_queue bool

Flag indicating whether market orders are allowed to be queued.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def __init__(self, side: MarketSide = MarketSide.BUY, allow_market_queue: bool = False):

    Initialize a BookSide instance with the given parameters.

        side (MarketSide): The side of the market (Buy or Sell).
        allow_market_queue (bool): Flag indicating whether market orders are allowed to be queued.

    self.side = side
    self._allow_market_queue = allow_market_queue
    self._sign = -1 if self.side == MarketSide.BUY else 1
    self.market_orders = deque()
    self.limit_orders = defaultdict(deque)
    self._bestHeap = []
    self.bestP = None
    self.bestV = 0  
    self.volumes = Counter()

add(self, order)

Add an order to the side of the order book.


Name Type Description Default
order Order

The order to be added.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def add(self, order: Order):

    Add an order to the side of the order book.

        order (Order): The order to be added.

    if (order.type == OrderType.MARKET) and self._allow_market_queue:
        # If the order is MARKET and market queue is allowed, add to market queue

    elif order.type == OrderType.LIMIT:
        # If the order is LIMIT, add to limit orders and update order book
        if self.bestP is None:
            self.bestP = order.price
            self.bestV = order.residual_size                
        elif (self.bestP < order.price and self.side == MarketSide.BUY) or \
             (self.bestP > order.price and self.side == MarketSide.SELL):
            heappush(self._bestHeap, self._sign * self.bestP)
            self.bestP = order.price
            self.bestV = order.residual_size
        elif self.bestP == order.price:
            self.bestV += order.residual_size
        elif order.price not in self.limit_orders:
            heappush(self._bestHeap, self._sign * order.price)

        self.volumes[order.price] += order.residual_size

fill(self, orderA, orderB)

FIll two orders with each other.


Name Type Description Default
orderA Order

First order to match.

orderB Order

Second order to match.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def fill(self, orderA: Order, orderB: Order):

    FIll two orders with each other.

        orderA (Order): First order to match.
        orderB (Order): Second order to match.

    if orderA.type == OrderType.MARKET:
        at_price = orderB.price
    elif orderB.type == OrderType.MARKET:
        at_price = orderA.price
        # Determine price based on market side and order sides
        if self.side == MarketSide.BUY:
            if orderA.side == MarketSide.BUY:
                at_price = orderA.price
                at_price = orderB.price
            if orderA.side == MarketSide.SELL:
                at_price = orderA.price
                at_price = orderB.price

    resA = orderA.residual_size
    resB = orderB.residual_size
    orderA.update(resB, at_price,
    orderB.update(resA, at_price,


Check if there are market orders in the queue.


Type Description

True if there are market orders, False otherwise.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def has_market(self) -> bool:
    Check if there are market orders in the queue.

        bool: True if there are market orders, False otherwise.
    return len(self.market_orders) and self._allow_market_queue

is_be(self, price)

Compare price with the current bestP, Better or Equal.


Name Type Description Default
price float

price to compare to bestP



Type Description

True if the price is better or equal to bestP, False otherwise.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def is_be(self, price) -> bool:
    Compare price with the current bestP, Better or Equal.

        price (float): price to compare to bestP

        bool: True if the price is better or equal to bestP, False otherwise.
    if self.side == MarketSide.BUY:
        return self.bestP >= price 
        return self.bestP <= price 


Check if the side of the order book has liquidity.


Type Description

True if the side of the order book has liquidity, False otherwise.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def liquid(self) -> bool:
    Check if the side of the order book has liquidity.

        bool: True if the side of the order book has liquidity, False otherwise.
    return self.bestV > 0

match(self, order, orders)

Match an order with the best available order and update book.


Name Type Description Default
order Order

The order to match.

orders OrderedDict

Dictionary containing all existing orders.

Source code in securities_exchange/
def match(self, order: Order, orders: OrderedDict[str, Order]):

    Match an order with the best available order and update book.

        order (Order): The order to match.
        orders (OrderedDict): Dictionary containing all existing orders.

    if (order.type == OrderType.LIMIT and self.has_market()) and self._allow_market_queue:

        # If order is LIMIT and there are market orders in the queue, match with the first market order in the queue
        queued_mo = orders[self.market_orders[0]]
        self.fill(order, queued_mo)
        if queued_mo.status == OrderStatus.FILLED:


        # Match with the best limit order
        queued_lo = orders[self.limit_orders[self.bestP][0]]
        self.fill(order, queued_lo)

        self.volumes[self.bestP] -= queued_lo.matches[-1][0]
        self.bestV -= queued_lo.matches[-1][0]
        if queued_lo.status == OrderStatus.FILLED:
            # If the matched limit order is fully filled remove it from the queue and update order book
            if len(self.limit_orders[self.bestP]) == 0:
                del self.limit_orders[self.bestP]
                del self.volumes[self.bestP]
                if len(self._bestHeap):
                    self.bestP = self._sign * heappop(self._bestHeap)
                    self.bestV = self.volumes[self.bestP]
                    self.bestP = None
                    self.bestV = 0